UMP Would Like to Show Our Gratitude to Our Clients and Employees This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to reflect on all of the amazing blessings we have in our lives and be thankful. We would like to take a moment and say, “thank you,” to those that have helped us get to where we are and continue to make our business great…

To Our Employees

You are the backbone of UMP, and your continued dedication has allowed us to grow and thrive in this competitive market. From our manufacturing team to our engineers, front office workers to upper management, each and every one of you are an integral part of our success. You have taken the dream that UMP was founded on and made it a reality. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. We see you and want to recognize your continued excellence. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

To Our Clients

We have some of the best clients in the world. The relationships we’ve built with our clients over the years have been special, and we are so happy to continue to work with you and meet your metal component creation needs. We started off with a vision, and with your support we have been able to grow to the company we are today. We are grateful for your business, and we promise to continue to meet your needs with the standard of excellence you have come to know us for.

About UMP

Universal Metal Products is a female-owned company that helps with the creation of metal components for the automotive, appliance, and industrial industries. We are able to create a variety of custom and standard components for vehicles, HVAC units, refrigerators, electronics, sub pumps, and much more. Along with volunteering, championing noble causes, and charity, we value equality. This is why we focus on creating a culture of inclusivity. We do this by offering equal pay for equal work and a dedication to providing a positive and harassment-free workplace environment.

UMP believes in a healthy work-life balance, and we understand it’s important for people to spend time with their loved ones. Because of this, we offer family-friendly policies and work shift hours.

UMP believes strongly in customer service, and we do whatever it takes to meet the needs of our clients.

Thanks again to everyone reading this! You’re what makes UMP great, and we are thankful for each and every one of you. Happy Thanksgiving!

If you are looking for metal stamping services, contact us! We’d be happy to speak with you. We proudly work with female-led and operated companies and people of all backgrounds and ethnicities.

To learn more about our employment opportunities visit our Careers page today.


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