With the Holidays Comes an Opportunity to Give Back to Our Community

The Holiday season is here, and International Volunteers Day (December 5th) is on the horizon. It’s the perfect time to reflect on all of the amazing gifts we have in our lives and consider how we can benefit the lives of others. There are so many ways that you can help over the Holiday season. Here are some options for how you can volunteer your time and/or resources over the Holidays and bring joy to those who are in need.

Volunteer and Charity Opportunities

  • Serving meals for those in need. There are so many organizations that help to feed the homeless and those that are in desperate need of food. Consider local charitable organizations and national charities that help feed the needy. There are also services that deliver meals to those who are unable to leave their homes. If you have a vehicle, this is another excellent way to get involved.
  • Toys for Tots. Every kid deserves gifts over the Holiday season. A simple toy donation can bring an incalculable amount of joy to the life of a child in difficult circumstances. It can also help lift the burden from their parents, allowing them to focus on other important needs.
  • Donate to your favorite charity. What better time than over the Holidays to donate to your favorite charity or even fundraise? Many charities offer the ability to donate through Facebook and other channels that make it easier than ever to fundraise for those in need.
  • Host a Holiday celebration. Not everyone has a family to share the Holidays with. Consider hosting a Holiday celebration for your friends, allowing everyone to feel involved and cared about over the Holidays.

UMP believes strongly in helping those in need by volunteering, championing noble causes, and giving to charity.

About UMP

Universal Metal Products is a female-owned company that helps with the creation of metal components for the automotive, appliance, and industrial industries. We are able to create a variety of custom and standard components for vehicles, HVAC units, refrigerators, electronics, sub pumps, and much more.

At UMP we value equality. This is why we focus on creating a culture of inclusivity. We do this by offering equal pay for equal work and a dedication to providing a positive and harassment-free workplace environment.

UMP believes in a healthy work-life balance, and we understand it’s important for people to spend time with their loved ones. Because of this, we offer family-friendly policies and work shift hours.

UMP also believes strongly in customer service, and we do whatever it takes to meet the needs of our clients.

We at UMP would like to wish your loved ones and you a Happy Holiday Season!

If you are looking for metal stamping services, contact us! We’d be happy to speak with you. We proudly work with female-led and operated companies and people of all backgrounds and ethnicities.

To learn more about our employment opportunities visit our Careers page today.


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The Holiday season is here, and International Volunteers Day (December 5th) is on the horizon.