Showing Support During Men’s Health Month

June is “Men’s Health Month,” which is a good time to take a moment and appreciate the amazing men in our lives. It’s also an excellent time to consider the health issues that men face, and how we can best show up to support them. 

How to Show Support

There are a variety of health issues that men face. Some are universal, while others are unique to men. Here are a few things you can do to show support for the men in your lives that are currently struggling:

  • Show compassion: It’s so important to show compassion to every person in your life. You don’t know what they are going through. 
  • Look for signs: Men are often taught to be stoic, and because of this, they will sometimes hide how they are feeling. This can lead to signs of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions going under the radar. Look for the signs of mental health and substance use disorders if you believe a man in your life is struggling. 
  • Encourage them to open up: Many men fear social repercussions for opening up due to outdated social stigmas. If you believe a man in your life is suffering and needs support, encourage them to open up and give them a safe space to do so. 
  • At work: There are things you can do as a manager to help support the health of those you work with. Consider speaking with HR if you believe a worker is struggling with health, substance use, or mental health issues. From there, put together a compassionate plan that allows them to get the support they need. Even if it means an employee taking a little time off to recover, it’s worth covering for them for a short period of time to ensure their health and happiness. 

About UMP

Universal Metal Products is a female-owned company that helps with the creation of metal components for the automotive, appliance, and industrial industries. We are able to create a variety of custom and standard components for vehicles, HVAC units, refrigerators, electronics, sub pumps, and much more. Along with volunteering, championing noble causes, and charity, we value equality. This is why we focus on creating a culture of inclusivity. We do this by offering equal pay for equal work and a dedication to providing a positive and harassment-free workplace environment. 

UMP believes in a healthy work-life balance, and we understand it’s important for people to spend time with their loved ones. Because of this, we offer family-friendly policies and work shift hours. We also respect those with mental health conditions and those who require additional support. We always strive to create a healthy work environment for all of our employees—both men and women.

Keep the tips above in mind this Men’s Health Month and take time to let men in your life know how important they are to you. 

If you are looking for metal stamping services, contact us! We’d be happy to speak with you. We proudly work with female-led and operated companies and people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. 

To learn more about our employment opportunities visit our Careers page today.


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